Spot Sampler Series 110B aerosol particle collector Purpose Handix Scientific Circles white The Spot Sampler™ aerosol particle collector uses water condensation capture for highly efficient collection of nanometer and micrometer- sized aerosol particles onto a variety of different easy-to-swap sampling surfaces. Applications: Viable Capture
Infectious Disease Transmission
Genomic Preservation
Air Quality
Health Effects
Occupational Health
Climate Studies
Biomass Burning
Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler instrument Semiconductor
Bioaerosol Collection

Aerosol Chemistry and Physics Nano-particle Contamination

Environmental Sampling
And more!!
Features Handix Scientific Circles white High particle collection efficiency with no particle bounce

.....>95% from 5nm to 2.5μm for dry collection; >90% up to 10μm for liquid collection

Minimal heating of the airflow minimizes loss of volatile constituents and reduces thermal decomposition

Gentle impaction into liquid and minimal heating of airflow maintains microorganism viability upon capture

Uninterrupted, time-resolved sampling from minutes to hours

Concentrated sample deposition improves analysis sensitivity (LOD/LOQ)

Automation of sample handling eliminates tedious and time-consuming sample prep
Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle
Collection Methods Handix Scientific Circles white TLC Liquid Level Controller- Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler Specifications Handix Scientific Circles white Sequential Spot Collection Module
Liquid Sampling Module Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Stub Sampling Module
Additional Modules
- Time-resolved collection onto dry, solid substrate
- 33-well plate made of PEEK® or Aluminum, 5.6mm diameter circular or teardrop wells
- Well plates can interface with PAL700 Autosampler for automated chemical analysis without requiring user extraction or manipulation
of sample
- Particle collection into almost any liquid with collection volume from 300uL to 700uL
- Polycarbonate vials are available in ported and non- ported configurations
- Ported option allows a
user to draw sample or
add liquid media while actively sampling
- Time-resolved collection onto dry surface ready to interface with microscopy techniques
- Sample directly onto Standard SEM stubs up to 25mm diameter with up to 1mm thick substrate adhered to it
- Sample kits offered with: Silica and Germanium wafers on 25mm SEM stub, cleanroom packaged
Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler collection module PAL3-LSI Autosampler Inlet Cyclones can be used to select upper size of aerosol entering instrument TLC Liquid Level Controller interfaces with Liquid Sampling Module for 24 hour continuous liquid samples Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler collection well plate Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler collection well plate Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler instrument Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler Liquid Sampling Module Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler Liquid Sampling Module scanning electron microscope case Aerosol Devices Spot Sampler inlet cyclone

Particle Size Range

5nm to > 2.5μm dry collection; 5nm to > 10μm wet collection

Collection Efficiency

>95% for dry collection; >90% for wet collection

Condensing Fluid

Water, distilled or cleaner

Sample Flow Rate

1.2 – 1.5 L/min (user adjustable)

Sampled Aerosol Conditions

Non-corrosive, 0 – 40 degrees C


USB communications output for sampling parameters and instrument status

Environmental Operating Conditions

10 – 35 degrees C, 10 – 95% RH


500 mm (H) x 305 mm (W) x 255 mm (D) (19.5 x 12 x 10 inches)


6.8 Kg (15 lb) Growth Tube unit;
add 1.1 Kg (2.5 lb) for Sequential Spot Collector module;
add 1.1 Kg (2.5 lb) for SEM Sequential Collector module;
add 0.1 Kg (0.22 lb) for Liquid Spot Collector module

Power Requirements

Power 90-264 VAC/47-63Hz: output voltage is 12.0 VDC and output current is 15A (maximum)

PEEK is a registered trademark of Vitrex Manufacturing Limited.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Aerosol particle collector technology is licensed from Aerosol Dynamics Inc. with U.S. Patents #6712881, #7736421, #8801838, German Patent #10392241 and Japanese Patent #5908475. Other patents pending. A grant from the National Institutes of Health (1 RC3 ES019081-01) funded the collector development.

Slide Aerosol Devices Growth Tube diagram Liquid or Solid Impaction Surface of Choice How does it work? Handix Scientific Circles white The Spot Sampler collector uses a patented, three-stage “moderated” condensational system to enlarge aerosol particles and then gently deposit them by inertial impaction.

The initial cold “conditioner” establishes a controlled vapor saturated aerosol stream largely independent of the incoming sample flow conditions. The warm walls of the “initiator provide a region high of partial pressure of water vapor.

Supersaturation occurs in the second region as a result of the difference in the diffusive rates of water vapor and heat transport.

The final cool “moderator” region allows continued droplet growth while reducing the flow temperature and water vapor content.

Sampler may be concentrated as an approximately 1 mm “spot” deposit on a solid substrate, or captured directly into liquid. Droplet growth occurs at temperatures close to ambient (25-30degC) providing robust collection for volatile constituents and microorganisms as small as 5nm in diameter.
Aerosol Devices Inc Spot Sampler Pelican-Case

Sturdy, wheeled Pelican cases with custom foam inserts are available for safe transportation of your Spot Sampler aerosol particle collector. The case can be checked in as standard airline baggage.