Dk Blue Circle Pat Keady Dr. Susanne Hering Pat has extensive business experience in the aerosol instrumentation industry within division and corporate-level management of engineering, sales and marketing, quality, human resources, and manufacturing. She is a past President of the American Association for Aerosol Research. Pat received her MS Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and MBA course-work from the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. She holds two patents for aerosol instrumentation. Susanne is also the founder and president of an R&D company, Aerosol Dynamics Inc. (Berkeley, CA), that develops innovative aerosol measurement instrumentation and runs field testing campaigns supported primarily through Federal Government SBIR grants.

She has served as a President of the American Association for Aerosol Research, and after many years of contribution was, in 2020, honored with the launch of the “Susanne V. Hering Award”, which recognizes accomplishments and support aerosol research work with emphasis on impacting public health, the built environment or the global ecosystem. Susanne received her PhD in Physics from the University of Washington, with postdoctoral work in Environmental Engineering at the California Institute of Technology. Susanne has over 100 technical publications and holds 18 patents (issued and pending) related to aerosol measurement technologies.
Susanne Hering Pat Keady Founder Founder
Dk Blue Circle