
Spot Sampling Aboard the RV Sally Ride

Waves breaking and bubbles popping at the Earth’s surface eject seawater droplets into the atmosphere 10’s of nanometers to 100’s of micrometers in diameter, called sea spray aerosol (SSA).  These aerosols are tiny subsamples of the ocean’s surface, and the ocean has high numbers of heterotrophic bacteria,more than a million...

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International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate Conference

We will be exhibiting the MAGIC™ Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) and Spot Sampler™ aerosol particle collector at the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate Conference, July 22-27, 2018 in Philadelphia, PA. Come visit our team in Booth 7! For both instruments, ultrafine aerosol particles as small as 5nm...

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What if there was a way to collect viable aerosol viruses?

Little is known about the dynamics of aerosol transmission of respiratory viruses. Current aerosol sampling methods make it difficult to collect viable bioaerosols due to the mechanical stresses faced during the collection process. Dr. Chang-Yu Wu’s team has demonstrated that they can successfully collect a variety of human respiratory viruses; including...

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The Spot Sampler™ Aerosol Particle Collector takes on Brazil

Between the summers of 2016 and 2017, Dr. Jim Smith and his students from the University of California, Irvine set off to Brazil with a goal in mind to characterize the physical and chemical properties of ultrafine particles found in the Amazon Basin. Ultrafine particles were sampled, using the Sequential...

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WFN Junior Judges want to know which Fast Pitch company you like best

As we recently announced, Pat Keady, President of Aerosol Devices Inc., is one of the top ten finalists for the Fifth Annual Fast Pitch Competition of the Women Founders Network  on October 19, 2017. In the competition event taking place at California Nanosystems Institute at UCLA, Los Angeles, finalists will be competing...

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Featured in LaunchNo.CO

Aerosol Devices was recently featured in LaunchNo.CO as a Fort Collins startup. LaunchNo.CO is an organization working to  “advance and support entrepreneurship and small businesses in Northern Colorado.”   From the article: WHAT DO YOU DO: Aerosol Devices Inc. is revolutionizing the science of airborne particle sampling for physical, chemical...

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Fifth Annual Fast Pitch Competition Finalist

We are proud to announce that Pat Keady, President of Aerosol Devices Inc., is one of the top ten finalists for the Fifth Annual Fast Pitch Competition of the Women Founders Network  on October 19, 2017. In the competition event taking place at California Nanosystems Institute at UCLA, Los Angeles, finalists...

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Ultrapure Water Conference

Ultrapure Water Conference, Portland, OR, May 30, 2017 The Spot Sampler™ aerosol particle collector will be featured in a presentation describing a new method for the identification of contaminating nanoparticles in ultrapure water (UPW) systems in the semiconductor industry.  The UPW is first spray aerosolized with a NanoParticle Nebulizer from...

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