BioSpot-VIVAS Series 315 Bioaerosol Sampler Purpose Handix Scientific Circles white The BioSpot-VIVAS™ bioaerosol sampler uses water condensation capture for highly efficient, gentle collection of bioaerosols. It is a proven tool for viable airborne disease capture. Applications: Viable capture of bioaerosol
Airborne disease transmission
Environmental microbiome
Infectious disease surveillance in public, transportation, medical, and agricultural settings
Biocontamination monitoring in clean pharmaceutical
aseptic manufacturing
Defense/Homeland Security bio-surveillance
Non-invasive characterization of particles from exhaled breath
Now with adjustable
8LPM - 15LPM Sample
Flow Rate!
Aerosol Devices BioSpot-VIVAS 310 instrument
Blue Circle Features Handix Scientific Circles white High efficiency collection of viruses, bacteria, fungal spores, toxins, proteins, allergens, and other aerosol

Gentle impaction into liquid and minimal heating of airflow maintains microorganism viability upon capture

Concentrated samples into liquid for high sensitivity analysis, improving LOD/LOQ

High particle collection efficiency with no particle bounce, <10nm to 10um, >90% efficiency

Minimal heating of the airflow minimizes loss of volatile constituents and reduces thermal decomposition

User-controlled temperature of petri dish improves preservation of capture bioaerosol

Heavy-duty design is cleanable, rugged, and prepared for most environments
Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle Blue Circle
A Proven Method Handix Scientific Circles white BioSPot-VIVAS Collection Efficiency graphic BioSpot-VIVAS Virus Collection Comparison Specifications Handix Scientific Circles white Efficient Collection across a wide range
Viable Collection
Collection efficiency as a function of particle size for various bioaerosol sampler technologies (Hogan et al. 2005, Willeke et al. 1998, McFarland et al. 2010.) Influenza H1N1 virus (2009) — Number of infectious viruses collected as a function of the number of aerosolized infectious viruses generated (Lednicky et al. 2016).

Particle Size Range

5nm to > 10μm collection

Collection Efficiency

>90% for hydrophobic and hydrophilic particles

Collection Medium

Water, buffer, genomic preservative, nutrient broth, artificial saliva, or other liquids and substrates

Condensing Fluid

Water, distilled or cleaner

Sample Flow Rate

8.0LPM, approximates the flow rate of the human lung
Adjustable up to 15.0LPM

Particle Concentration Range

Zero to 10^5 particles/cm^3 when sampling at 8.0LPM

Sampled Aerosol Conditions

0 – 40 degrees C

Collection Reservoir

Collection into a 35mm x 11mm petri dish


USB communications output for sampling parameters and instrument status

Sample Inlet

20mm OD (approximatlely 3⁄4”) SS tube
10mm OD inlet for use with BioCascade Cascade Impactor available upon request

Environmental Operating Conditions

10 – 35 degrees C, 0 – 100% RH non-condensing


760 mm (H) x 457 mm (W) x 370 mm (D) (30 x 18 x 14.5 inches)


24 Kg / 53 lbs

Power Requirements

Power 85-264 VAC/47-63Hz

Aerosol particle collector technology is licensed from Aerosol Dynamics Inc. with U.S. Patents #6712881, #7736421, #8801838, German Patent #10392241 and Japanese Patent #5908475. Other patents pending. A grant from the National Institutes of Health (1 RC3 ES019081-01) funded the collector development.

Slide How does it work? Handix Scientific Circles white The BioSpot-VIVAS bioaerosol sampler uses a patented, three-stage “moderated” condensational system to enlarge aerosol particles and then gently deposit them by inertial impaction.

The initial cold “conditioner” establishes a controlled vapor saturated aerosol stream largely independent of the incoming sample flow conditions. The warm walls of the “initiator” provide a region high of partial pressure of water vapor.

Supersaturation occurs in the second region as a result of the difference in the diffusive rates of water vapor and heat transport.

The final cool “moderator” region allows continued droplet growth while reducing the flow temperature and water vapor content.

The sampler deposits the droplets into a 2mL, 35mm diameter petri dish, cooled to a temperature convenient to the user.
Aerosol Devices BioSpot-VIVAS Growth Tube diagram Petri Dish (2mL, 35mm diameter) & temperature- controlled holder Aerosol Devices BioSpot-VIVAS temp controlled petri dish holder