BioCascade Cascade Impactor
by Aerosol Dynamics Inc.
Purpose Handix Scientific Circles white The BioCascade is a planar cascade impactor targeting the collection of coarse airborne particles using multi-stage size-classification and particle collection by gentle impaction into liquid media. It combines established guidelines for impaction on solid surfaces while maintaining low-enough flow velocities to avoid unstable air jet-liquid interfaces that can lead to sample re-entrainment. Developed using 3D fluid dynamics modeling and laboratory tested using inert and viable biological aerosols. BioCascade instrument
BioCascade schematic drawing How Does It Work? Handix Scientific Circles white Contact Us for more information Aerosol samples are collected into three different particle size fractions by sequential impaction stages of decreasing size cut-points (D50) of 10 μm, 4 μm and 1.5 μm.

The unit can be placed ahead of a BioSpot sampler, a Bioaerosol Sampler or a filter for collection of the particle fraction smaller than 1.5 μm.
Slide Green Circle Green Circle Prototype Specifications Handix Scientific Circles white Manufactured in the U.S.A. by Aerosol Dynamics Inc. Green Circle Green Circle Green Circle Green Circle Made of aluminum for easy cleaning and disinfection.
Dimensions: 17cm × 15cm × 6.4cm (6.5” × 6.0” × 2.5”) Weight: 3.5 kg
Nominal flow rates available with interchangable nozzle sets: 1.5 , 4, 8 and 12 Lpm
Collection platform: 35 mm generic Petri dish (sits inside sealed chamber)
Collection medium: 2 mL liquid
Optional sample temperature control: cooling and/or heating platform under development
Characterization At 8 Lpm without cooling, the maximum sampling time is ~30-60 min dependent on ambient relative humidity and temperature.

At 1.5 Lpm with the cooling platform, sampling periods longer than 3 hours can be achieved without liquid volume reduction.
BioCascade Cut-off sizes chart