
WFN Junior Judges want to know which Fast Pitch company you like best

As we recently announced, Pat Keady, President of Aerosol Devices Inc., is one of the top ten finalists for the Fifth Annual Fast Pitch Competition of the Women Founders Network  on October 19, 2017. In the competition event taking place at California Nanosystems Institute at UCLA, Los Angeles, finalists will be competing for cash awards as well as professional services. 

In an effort to inspire young girls to pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams, a special panel of fifteen Junior Judges consisting of girls ages 9-19 will be presenting a $5000 cash prize to their favorite Fast Pitch contestant. You can help encourage and fund educational opportunities for young women by voting for your favorite company with your dollars. The company raising the most money receives five minutes of bonus time to pitch to the Junior Judges in competing for the cash prize. 

Cast your vote for Aerosol Devices!

The WFN Junior Judges invite you to tell them which Fast Pitch company you like best!  

Select (Aerosol Devices) from this list and make a cash gift to WFN in their name (not tax deductible).

The company who raises the most money will get 5 minutes of bonus time to pitch to the Junior Judges to win their $5000 cash prize.
All proceeds go to fund educational opportunities for women entrepreneurs and Junior Judges, girls 9-19 years old. 

Vote Here!