
Workplace and Indoor Aerosols 2016 Conference

Aerosol Devices’ newest Series 110 Spot Sampler will be on exhibit at the Workplace and Indoor Aerosols 2016 Conference in Barcelona, Spain, April 20-22. Attending the conference will be experts in workplace and indoor aerosol research from all over the world to share ideas and inspiration to further this important field of research. 

Dr. Arantzazu Eiguren-Fernandez will be giving the following three poster presentations on Day 2 of the Conference:

Poster #4 – A Novel Sampler for Viral Aerosols Through Water-based Condensation Particle Growth
Susanne V. Hering and Cristina Gutiérrez Cañas

Poster #5 – Highly Efficient Collection of Viable Influenza VirusA/Mexico/4108/2009 (PDMH1N1)
Susanne V. Hering and Cristina Gutiérrez Cañas

Poster #10 – A “Magic” Water Condensation Particle Counter
Susanne V. Hering and Cristina Gutiérrez Cañas